Composition 9/11

I think this photo resembles simplicity, because of the focus on the man in the center of the photo. There is something about this man's dust-covered suit and general demeanour which makes this an unforgettable image.

Engineers say that the World Trade Centers had an unusual design, where much of the structural load was carried by the exterior shell of the building rather than central columns. So when that shell was pierced, the buildings were weakened significantly, precipitating their collapse.
I chose Rule of the Thirds for this photo because I can imagine putting a grid right over it.

Here's one for the conspiracy nutters who claim the building was bombed and that there were never any planes. Clue: bombs don't make plane-shaped holes.
I chose Lines because the building has windows that appear as lines.
Many men hugged on a day when over 400 emergency workers were killed.
I chose balance for this photo because it equally focuses on all four people.
As smoke billows from the north tower, the second hijacked plane bears down on the south tower
This photo is perfect for framing because it shows so much all in one picture. Such as the plane heading for the tower, and the smoke from the other plane crashing into the tower.
Downtown New York was covered in ash and dust.

This photo is Avoiding Mergers, because it doesn’t have many things in it, but it still has some things. The people and the water bottle are focused on.


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