academic photo shoot

In this photo, I used simplicity. There are two girls, the main subject of the photo, and then some people in the background. There is not much to the picture, and nothing to distract you from other things.

In this photo I used balance, there are people on both sides of the hallway. Something I would change if I could do this assignment again is to make the photo more centered.

In this photo I used framing, there are four subjects in this, and two on each side of the frame. It could be sliced into a grid of four. If I could change it I would angle my camera differently, lifting up the right side a little bit more to even things out.

In this photo I used rule of the thirds. There are three main subjects, two students and the teacher. If I could figure out how to use certain filters, then I would blur out the background.

In this photo I used simplicity, there is not much going on in the photo, very calm classroom. I would turn the flash off if I could retake this. 


  1. All of your pictures are stunning! The second and fourth stand out to me the most. The rest of them could use some focus. The focus is a bit lost, just because there are some many things going on thorough out the picture. Otherwise, great job!

  2. I like your pictures. They are just a little bright and need to be in focus.


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